


This is a very lightweight and simple addon that tracks hidden quest/achievements progress.

It simply tracks a series of quests (by the ID's) that doesn't show up in the quest list or the quest tracker.

No more need to run macros like:

"/run local a={45470,47207,47208,47209,47210,47211,47212,47213}for i,q in ipairs(a)do print(format("Page %s: %s",i, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(q) and "\124cFF00FF00Read\124r" or "\124cFFFF0000Not Read\124r")) end"

after every step on a riddle or a series of hidden quest to see if you have completed the next step.

You just enter a comma separated list of quest ID's and the addon automatically tracks the progress and shows the status of each quest by making the quest id green = done, red = not done.


  • Left click to update manually (usually not needed, since the list automatically updates)
  • Left click and move cursor to move the frame
  • Right click to get the input box where you enter the comma separated list of quest ID's
  • Middle click to change the skin of the frame
  • Scroll on the frame to change the scale