


Looks for your keywords in all channels and notifies you if it finds it. 

Looking for group in BRD but you're focusing on something else than the world or lfg channels?

Simply type "/hl add LFM BRD" or if you'd really like to narrow it down "/hl add LF BRD !LFG"

The "!" prefix will ignore these words

"LF" will match any word starting with "LF", like LF1M LF2M LF3M LFG

All words in your phrase must be found in message to be a match.


  • Checks every channel you've joined even when you've hidden the channels.
  • Helps you find what you're looking for without you looking for it.
  • Supports item links.
  • Easy to use.

/hl help

You can also use pattern matching for more advanced matches.

. all characters
%a letters
%c control characters
%d digits
%l lower case letters
%p punctuation characters
%s space characters
%u upper case letters
%w alphanumeric characters
%x hexadecimal digits
%z the character with representation 0