


HighValue is a small addon that automates some repetitive tasks/clicks while playing. Quests with multiple reward choices will have a Highest Value button in addition to Complete. Clicking Highest Value automatically selects the reward with the highest vendor cost and completes the quest. This addon also automatically picks up gold when auto-loot is disabled.


  • Highest Value button: Click to complete your quest with the highest value reward.
  • Always loot gold, even without auto-loot.
Hold Ctrl, Shift, or Alt to temporarily disable these quest options.
  • Auto Quest: Completes quests for you when possible. Choose when quests with a single reward should auto-complete based on your loot preference.
  • Auto Daily: Accepts daily/repeatable quests when interacting with a quest giver.
  • Argent Tourney: Automatically choose the Champion's Purse or Writ when completing Argent Tournament dailies.

  • Auto Sell: Sells any grey/trash items when interacting with a vendor.
  • Auto Repairs: Repairs all items when you interact with a vendor who can repair. Set a threshold limit for durability or 100% to always repair.

  • Auto BoP: Automatically confirms the "Looting this item will bind it to you" dialogue.
  • Auto DE: Automatically confirms the "Disenchanting this item will destroy it" dialogue.

  • Show Alerts: Shows prompts to repair with player gold when guild repairs fail.
  • Hide Errors: Hides the red error text at the top of the screen while in combat.

Recent Changes

  • Works with 7.0.3. Re-wrote addon. Incorporated Ace DB and removed unnecessary options group.
  • Auto-quest will complete quests before auto-daily accepts quests. Fixed issue with auto-completing quests beneath incomplete options.
  • Added Loot Spec option to auto-quest. Choose whether auto-quest will complete when there is one reward, based on current loot spec.
  • Replaced "Remember Rewards" button with a single option for Argent Tourney dailies.
  • Auto-repairs have been restored but now work with a drop-down instead of a toggle. Prompts to pay with player gold when guild repairs fail.
  • Added repair threshold to limit auto-repairs based on durability.
  • Included option to disable auto-repair alerts.

To Do

  • Test auto-bop and auto-de thoroughly.