Hit Combo Popups

Hit Combo Popups


Adds fighting game-style hit combo popups to Windwalker Monk's "Hit Combo" talent, showing your current stack with each ability hit. This is a super fun talent and I always felt like it'd feel more impactful if you could see real time feedback on your stacks with each hit.

Included are two sets of graphics, one at 128x128 which provides a less-aliased image for smaller sized popups and then a larger 256x256 version if you want to use much larger popups without pixelation. You can also drop in custom popup graphics, just make sure they're targa files with a transparency channel.

Enter /hcp to configure positioning, size, animation timing, etc.

This is my first addon, so please let me know if anything goes wrong or if you notice anything glaringly stupid in my code. Enjoy!