Honor Tracker

Honor Tracker


A basic honor tracker that shows you some personal honor farming stats. It displays honor per hour, honor for current session, weekly, daily, overall honor farmed etc.

I made this quickly while farming my own honor on day 1 of honor release so it's nothing fancy, just shows some basic stats at a glance so I could see which farming strats gave the best honor per hour. Keep in mind the estimated honor Blizzard gives to us really is just a large estimate, it could be way off.

Type /hk or /honor to see your stats in chat, see the screenshot for an example.

You can also see extra overall/weekly/daily stats by hovering the "Stats" button in honor tab on the character sheet.

NOTE: I made this as a quick tracker on the first day when honor was released because there was no addons around for it,  but now there are far better trackers out so use those instead of this. :)