



WoW BfA Honor Info Panel with Plugin support for Titan Panel

About: Honor Info Panel creates a customizable a panel that contains Honor related information. You can toggle what information is to be shown and also set the panel background color & toggle displaying the panel's border to make the panel less conspicuous.

If you are using Titan Panel or another LibDataBroker-compatible addon this information can also be displayed though them as well.

The panel info contains the following: Honor Level Honor Points Total Honorable Kills Session Time Honor Earned This Session Honor Earned Today across characters Honor Earned Per Hour Time To Next Honor Level A customizable goal number that can be set to trigger an alert when reached

Usage: Slash Commands: use either /hip or honor /hip goal - Sets a goal number /hip goal reset - resets the goal to 0 /hip show - Shows display panel /hip hide - Hides display panel

Titan Panel/DataBroker Commands: Left Click on the info area: Toggles display Panel Right Click on the info area: brings up the options panel

Keybindings: A keybind to toggle the display panel can be found in the Keybinding->Addons section