


This implements a weekly cap for the CEPGP addon. . Please use the original mod if you are not in our guild or do not need these features.


EP gained (via raid, or added individually) is capped at 200, which can be modified in core.lua.

This cap extends to 240 if the msg text for adding EP includes the keyword "mats", used for my guilds contribution system.

The guild scrollbar page shows the "WE", or current "weekly EP" that a guild member has earned.

This "weekly EP" is reset to 0 upon EPGP Decay.

Names and EP can be directly pasted from spreadsheet with the /cepgp addmat or /cepgp addzg commands.

e.g. /cepgp addmat Player1 20Player2 40Player3 15


If you are a current user of CEPGP and administrator of your guild, you must initialize the officer notes to contain the weekly cap value. You may trigger this by adding 0 EP to the entire guild. Once you do this any user who has the original mob will not be able to properly see the guilds EP/GP values in the /cepgp show page. The values remain the same in the officer notes. Not everyone in the guild must have this distribution for the mod to work, only anyone who will be adding/editing values of EPGP.