Hyperlegible Font Replacer

Hyperlegible Font Replacer


This addon is for players that identify with any of the following:

  • Having low vision (impaired vision that is not correctable with RX lenses)
  • Wearing prescription glasses or contacts
  • Experiencing fatigue or eye strain when focusing for long periods of time
  • Feeling generally dissatisfied with the legibility of WoW's interface text

Currently the addon just replaces all the interface's default fonts universally, and the fonts are also available internally to other addons via LibSharedMedia.

Please be aware that this addon is a work in progress! Any interface addons enabled on your client may cause conflicts, though they will likely just ignore Hyperlegible's changes altogether.

Typeface features:

  • Four fonts, including two weights, in both roman and oblique
  • One thousand, three hundred, and forty total glyphs across all fonts
  • Accent characters supporting twenty-seven languages
More information available at BrailleInstitute.org


  • Configuration panel for user customization
  • Use of bold, italic, and bold-italic styles (where appropriate) as part of default font replacement
  • 'Font-Finder' tool to help identify which fonts correspond to which interface element
  • Localization (deDE, esES/esMX, frFR, itIT, ptBR)
  • Support/exceptions for popular interface overhaul addon
  • Classic/BCC support