Sort DK runes by remaining cooldown the way the Blizzard UI does

kbarrette opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Looks like the Blizzard UI sorts DK runes by remaining cooldown, so the available runes are always on the left. The IceHUD runes seem to be mixed.

I may take a crack at diagnosing this, but I'm unfamiliar with Lua and the WoW APIs, so I thought I'd report it first in case it's an easy fix.



Feels like more of a feature request than a bug report, but yes, it's certainly possible to have the presentation of the runes differ from the internal state of the runes. I don't imagine it would be difficult to sort them this way, but I don't have an active account right now to be able to test any changes, so I'll keep this on the wish-list for the moment. I'd be more than happy to accept a pull request adding this display mode behind a toggle.


Thanks @parnic - I'll see if I can make it work and submit a PR!