Allows to present Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream to any playable character in World of Warcraft remember who you icecreamed and how many times in World of Warcraft.
To icecream someone you need to traget player and type "/ict" command in chat. This will open trade window and give Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream to target. If trade is successful targeted player will be marked as Icecreamed. You should have at least one free space in your bag to split one ice cream from a stack. If you out of ice cream you will receive. «Out of ice cream» message.
То enable target tracking use "/ict on" chat command. Whenever you target a player a chat message will appear, telling if you icecreamed this player and how many times.
To disable target tracking use "/ict off" chat command.