Lua language integration for IntelliJ IDEA
Forum Thread:
Debugger (Experimental)
Modules support (Experimental)
LuaDoc Highlighting and Folding (Experimental)
Lua SDK REPL Console (Experimental)
Basic Completions
Quick Documentation with Multiple documentation providers
Resolving Globals in project and libraries
Custom API Support including custom function signatures (Experimental)
Function Information via Quickhelp
Lua Standard Library Information via Quickhelp (ctrl-Q)
Hilighting of Upvalues and Fields
Goto Symbol
Safe Delete (Experimental)
Rename Identifier (Experimental)
JavaHelp For Lua 5.1
Execution in the Kahlua interpreter
Go to definition
find usages
Code formatting
Keyword completion
1 quickfix
6 code intentions
6 code inspection
Highlighting global vs local variables
Script execution and run configurations
Kahlua interpreter window for interactive script execution (repl)
Comes with an embedded Lua compiler written in Java (Kahlua)
Structure view
Syntax checking
Syntax highlighting - including proper handling of extended syntax comments and quotes
Customizable highlighting colors
Code folding for code blocks and comments
Brace Matching for do blocks, long strings and comments, and (, { , [
Minor feature: comment in/out.