--------------------------- --Contact-Info------------- --------------------------- Bnet: Ironi#2880 (EU) Discord: ironi https://discord.gg/stY2nyj --------------------------- --General------------------ --------------------------- If you want to test the addon without doing raids, copy the strings from testData under WTF/Account/<Account>/SavedVariables/iEncounterEventTracker.lua, there are 2 tables, iEETConfig and iEET_Data, copy the strings under iEET_Data if you want to save fights for later, you can also copy iEET_Data strings and just paste them in later when you want to look trough them red line on the top of the main window indicates that you have filters active that doens't show up in the main window (check filtering options) use mousewheel to scroll down/up shift+mousewheel for fast scrolling --------------------------- --Main-window-editbox------ --------------------------- uses the text to search from all possible table keys and values eg: writing: 125261, will search 125261 from every table key and values --------------------------- --Slash-cmds--------------- --------------------------- /ieet toggle window (keybinding available) /ieet X: copy copy current data to an editbox where you can copy it to spreadsheet (only those that you can see in the main window, so if you have filtered something out, it won't show) filters open filtering options window clear wipe all fights autosave toggle autosave autodiscard X x = seconds, auto discards fights shorter than X (when autosave is on) colorreset resets colors to default contact show author's contact information whitelist spellid add spell to whitelist (-spellid to remove) --------------------------- --Colums------------------- --------------------------- 1st: time from ENCOUNTER_START 2nd: time from previus cast (with same spellID and sourceGUID) (mouseover for accurate time) 3rd: event name 4th: spell name (with hyperlink if possible), shift click to paste in to raid chat, click to show it in the details window 5th: caster name 6th: CLEU:target name, USCS: unitID 7th: cast count 8th: caster hp percent (USCS only) --------------------------- --Using-filtering-options-- --------------------------- Key=Value Split different argument with ';', eg. k=v;k=v;k=v e=2; si=205231; tn=Tichondrius; cn=Beholder , shows every event where event is SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS, spellID = 205231, caster name (sourceName) = Beholder and the target is Tichondrius 205231 using only numbers, ieet will assume you want search with spellID and shows every event where spellID = 205231 possible key values (not case sensitive): t/time number (doesn't support >/<, atleast not yet) e/event number or string(long or short event names), numbers & names at the bottom of the file sG/sourceGUID string UNIT_DIED:destGUID cN/sourceName string UNIT_DIED:destName tN/destName/unitID string USCS: source unitID sN/spellName string sI/spellID number hp number USCS only (doesn't support >/<, atleast not yet) to clear all filters use: clear to delete just one use: del:x, eg del:1 will delete the first filter (from bottom) REMEMBER TO CLICK 'Save' IF YOU WANT TO SAVE YOUR FILTERS, CLICKING 'Cancel' WILL ERASE YOUR EDITS Event names/values: 1/SPELL_CAST_START/SC_START 2/SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS/SC_SUCCESS 3/SPELL_AURA_APPLIED/+SAURA 4/SPELL_AURA_REMOVED/-SAURA 5/SPELL_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE/+SA_DOSE 6/SPELL_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE/-SA_DOSE 7/SPELL_AURA_REFRESH/SAURA_R 8/SPELL_CAST_FAILED/SC_FAILED 9/SPELL_CREATE 10/SPELL_SUMMON 11/SPELL_HEAL 12/SPELL_DISPEL 13/SPELL_INTERRUPT/S_INTERRUPT 14/SPELL_PERIODIC_CAST_START/SPC_START 15/SPELL_PERIODIC_CAST_SUCCESS/SPC_SUCCESS 16/SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_APPLIED/+SPAURA 17/SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_REMOVED/-SPAURA 18/SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_APPLIED_DOSE/+SPA_DOSE 19/SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_REMOVED_DOSE/-SPA_DOSE 20/SPELL_PERIODIC_AURA_REFRESH/SPAURA_R 21/SPELL_PERIODIC_CAST_FAILED/SPC_FAILED 22/SPELL_PERIODIC_CREATE/SP_CREATE 23/SPELL_PERIODIC_SUMMON/SP_SUMMON 24/SPELL_PERIODIC_HEAL/SP_HEAL 25/UNIT_DIED 26/UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED/USC_SUCCEEDED 27/ENCOUNTER_START 28/ENCOUNTER_END 29/MONSTER_EMOTE 30/MONSTER_SAY 31/MONSTER_YELL 32/UNIT_TARGET 33/INSTANCE_ENCOUNTER_ENGAGE_UNIT/IEEU 34/UNIT_POWER 35/PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED/COMBAT_START 36/PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED/COMBAT_END 37/MANUAL_LOGGING_START/MANUAL_START 38/MANUAL_LOGGING_END/MANUAL_END 39/UNIT_SPELLCAST_START/USC_START 40/UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START/USC_C_START Advanced Deleting: iEET_Advanced_Delete(dif, encounter, fightTime) Usage: iEET_Advanced_Delete(<difficulty, number, or false for any difficulty>, <encounterID(number) or true, <fight time (delete under), number, seconds>) Example: iEET_Advanced_Delete(false, true, 60), would delete any fights under 60 seconds