This is a copy of CEPGP addon.

With (for now) one important feature - it do not rewrite office notes entirely. So other addon can store their data too.

I suppose, iEPGP will conflict with original CEPGP addon. So if you wish to use iEPGP - delete CEPGP addon manually or via the Twitch Client.

iEPGP has some backward compatibility: it will recognize old EPGP data, stored like DD,DD. But at first time you change EP / GP of a player it will replace whole officer note with its data formatted as cep{DD,DD}.

Only after it is safe to store other addon data in officer note.

In order to save your CEPGP traffic and settings, do the following:

 - exit WoW

 - delete CEPGP addon manually or via the Twitch Client (do not remove saved variables)

 - go to ...World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\<YOUR ACCOUNT>\SavedVariables

 - find CEPGP.lua and rename it to iEPGP.lua

that's it!