this started out as a funnny thing to do in vanilla, but has evolved during the years.
original page:
what can it do?
- Makes it possible to only have one bag at the bottom that toggles all bags.
- Shows the bufftime in ( Days / hh:mm / mm:ss ) depending on time left.(own buffs only)
- Makes it possible to reload the User Interface from options-panel or by text-command
- Hides the griffins at the MainMenu Bar.
- A new MainMenu Bar
- possible to hide the microbuttons
- Autorepair equipped items and inventory if visiting a dealer who could make repairs.
- Shows Mana on fellow players, groupmembers and mobs
- Shows HP on mobs and groupmembers
- Shows the cast-time in text as a complement to the cast-bar
- A new, small XP-bar, including one for hunter's pet
- A new latency-meter
- TNL-meter
- Add your own comments on your friends-list.
- Shows the QuestLevel in the quest-window.
- Ability to reload the user-interface by pressing a button or by a simple command.
- Titan, MyAddons support
- Low memory usage (0.4Mb)
- Makes minimap movable.
- Makes it possible to custom the minimap
- Adds a clock besides the minimap
- adds the coordinates you are at under the minimap
- makes it easier to sell all junk-items (gray items) with one button at the vendor.
- a simple drop-all-grey-items macro (/igamdrop)
- an easy way to check what weekly you've done this week (lvl90) (/igam checkweekly /igam cw)
- unique functions for different classes (only loads the class you log in as = low memory usage)
- automatically invites when get a whisper with "invite" when in a raid and raidleader or assist.
- manage raidmarkers and raid-flares with quickbuttons when group-/raidleader or when assisting in raid
- ...and some more :)
ingame commands:
- /igam help - lists all commands and status ingame
- /igam - open up the options-page
- /igamsell <itemLink> - adds non-grey item to autosell or sell-at-vendor-with-one-button (topleft at vendors) OR removes grey items from the same list. doing it again does the reverse
- /igamdrop - drops all grey items including items included with /igamsell