


- Purpose: Tracks Ignite and Scorch debuffs

- Provides progress bar that displays the current owner of the Ignite, their threat and the current tick
- Only tracks on current target since they won't last long on trash anyway

- Progress bar that displays the current stack and your own threat
- Will work across multiple targets
- Stacks 1-5 are reliably detected since the combat log tracks them
- After 5 stacks it just goes by Scorch damage, so it WILL update the timer even if Fire Vulnerability is resisted
- Bar will flash blue if the Fire Vulnerability portion of Improved Scorch is resisted, which matters after 5 stacks

Crit tracking
- Separate window that shows the 10 most recent fire crits and who supplied them (shows who is rolling the Ignite)
- Will also output the final damage done by the Ignite when it falls off

- Will broadcast to other users of the addon to let them know if you are talented for Ignite or Improved Scorch
- This is helpful to know when tracking crits to see who is rolling the Ignite
- If it is unknown if a mage is talented into Ignite, the addon just assumes they are if they are casting fire spells
- Can enable "Frostmode" to track frost spell crits

- Move the bars to where you want them, nothing else required
- Click minimap button to lock/unlock the bars to move them
--- /ignitetracker lock, /ignitetracker unlock or /ignitetracker move
- Shift+click to show/hide the crit window
--- apparently I didn't make a slash command for this
- Right click to toggle Frostmode
--- /ignitetracker frostmode on (or 1), /ignitetracker frostmode off (or 0)
- Shift+Right click to hide minimap icon
--- /ignitetracker minimap 0, /ignitetracker minimap 1

Main Window

Crit Tracker