Immersion UI

Immersion UI



Immersion UI hides or fades all of the standard "always on screen" UI elements for a more immersive gameplay experience. More designed around the solo or RP player, removing all of the wall-breaking UI distractions allows you to fully appreciate the world you're in and the characters in it.


What Does Immersion UI Do?

The following frames are affected:

Completely hidden UI elements

  • Mini-Map
  • Player Frame
  • Target Frame
  • Chat Frames
  • Objective Tracker
  • Vehicle Seat Indicator
  • Social Menu Button
  • Emotes Menu Button

Faded to 40% (and 80% while in combat)

  • Buff Frame
  • Action Bars
  • Stance Bar
  • Experience Bar
  • Reputation Bar
  • Azerite Bar

No Mini-Map? What If I Get Lost?

With the mini-map hidden away, a small, floating compass has been added to the UI to help guide your way:

You can reposition the compass anywhere on your screen, and the location is saved per character.

How Do I Enable Immersion UI?

Once Immersion UI has installed and you've logged into your character:

  • To turn it on, type /imui on and press Enter.
  • To turn it off, type /imui off and press Enter.

This setting is stored per character and is set to off by default.

Do I have to use the compass?

Nope! While having no compass or map might make it a little difficult to get your bearings, the choice is yours:

  • To turn it on, type /imui showcompass and press Enter.
  • To turn it off, type /imui hidecompass and press Enter.

This setting is stored per character and is set to show by default.

Can I Still Use Chat?

Of course! Just use the below commands to toggle the chat window:

  • To show chat, type /imui showchat and press Enter.
  • To hide chat, type /imui hidechat and press Enter.

This setting is stored per character and is set to hide by default.

What About My HP and Resources?

The default UI already has player HP and resources appearing as floating transparent frames during combat:


BONUS: Download Immersion by MunkDev

This addon is best used with Immersion, a phenomenal addon created by MunkDev. Immersion replaces the very dated quest and gossip frames with a more natural-feeling UI that puts the characters and story front and centre.