Immersive User Interface

Immersive User Interface


Immersive User Interface - Beta

by Jim Kroovy

{Insert Video Here}

Immersive User Interface is a cosmetic overhaul of wows default user interface!

While the default interface is lovely i find it quite immersion breaking so i wrote this add-on to make the entire GUI less obtrusive.

It find it also makes keeping an eye on cooldowns much easier.

Current Features:

  • Opacity fading for pretty much everything on mouse over.
  • Tightly organised action bar grid.

Planned Features:

  • Support not having all action bars toggled on from the default interface menu.
  • Addon preferences for min/max opacity.
  • Save/load action bar load outs so they can be loaded on other characters (eg: Interrupt spells always on button x, Racial spell always on button y, etc etc).
  • Modular action bar blocks.


This addon will likely conflict with any add-on that edits the default user interface!

  • Currently in Beta until i fix the last few bugs and test all classes.
  • Explantion video will be uploaded when i have the time.
  • Updates will be sporadic (i have a life) so it is worth trying it on the most recent release even if it says it's out of date.
  • Please find links below in the about me section where you can report bugs, issues and ideas.

My Other Immersion Add-ons: (Coming Soon!)

- Immersive Character Needs

- Immersive Character Moods

- Immersive First Person 

About Me:

Hi! I'm Jim and welcome to my second immersion add-on for World of Warcraft!

From a background working in Unreal Engine and Blender with visual and python scripting (and a bunch of experience modding various games) i took to this like a murloc to water (Mrrrrgglllurrgllrrgl!) and it's great fun, as well as an honour, being able to expand on the legendary World of Warcraft which i have been playing since the year of its release!

Right now i'm a character rigger/animator and game dev by trade so most of the things i share online are to do with game development and animation but i'm also a very picky and dedicated gamer.

I sometimes live stream my work but i enjoy streaming games with my daughter and sometimes my girlfriend too... Come tune in and learn a thing or two about how games actually work... or laugh at how bad i am at playing them lol.

Feedback much appreciated and suggestions for updates would be lovely!

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