Import Data for Group Calendar (Classic)

Import Data for Group Calendar (Classic)



Import data from Excel, Google docs, CSV and TSV files directly into group calendar, by doing a copy-paste into ingame input window.
Addon uses GroupCalendar mechanisms and API. Includes examples.
Import window is opened using slash command: /gcid


  • Automatic event creation
  • Automatic attendee adding
  • Cross checking attendees with guild members
  • Minimum level limitation (currently set to 58)
  • Multiple keywords in column names for better readability
  • Supports: Excel, Google Docs, CSV, TSV
  • Examples included


All below words are recognized as roles in column names (case insensitive):

  • DPS: dps, fury, arms, ret, retri, retribution, feral, moonkin, balance, shadow, elemental, ele, enhancement, ench
  • HEALER: heal, healer, holy, resto, restoration
  • TANK: tank, bear, prot, protection

Known limitations

  • Supports only 24h time, and date month year - date format
  • Supports only Molten Core, Onyxia, Blackwing Lair
  • No selectable options
  • No blacklist / rank limiatations
  • No localization
  • All attendees have race set to Night Elf
  • Duration is set to default (2h)