Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


NOTICE EFFECTIVE 18/11/2021: I am not currently supporting Blizzard and will not be for the forseeable future. Pull requests are welcome if someone cares too but I won't be playing to test.

Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI is an attempt to improve the World of Warcraft interface by styling frames, implementing additional functionality and restructuring / hiding existing elements.

The AddOn is compatible with Modern WoW, TBC and Vanilla.

Addon Installation

Modern WoW

  • To install Improved Blizzard UI place the folder into World of Warcraft//_retail_//Interface//Addons as you would any other addon.

The Burning Crusade

  • To install Improved Blizzard UI place the folder into World of Warcraft//_classic_//Interface//Addons as you would any other addon.
  • Enable "Load out of date AddOns" in your AddOn selection menu.

Classic WoW

  • To install Improved Blizzard UI place the folder into World of Warcraft//_classic_era_//Interface//Addons as you would any other addon.
  • Enable "Load out of date AddOns" in your AddOn selection menu.

Core Features


  • Once installed if need be customize your installation with /imp.
  • Most UI elements can now be repositioned with /imp unlock and /imp lock.
  • LibSharedMedia-3.0 Support for customising fonts. Any fonts loaded by LSM will be available in Improved Blizzard UI and vice versa. You may now easily use the Improved Blizzard UI font in other AddOns such as Recount, DBM etc to better match this AddOn.


  • AFK 'Hero Mode' Camera View.
  • Automatic Repair.
  • Automatic Trash Item Sale.

Unit Frames

Player Frame

  • Moved and Re-Scaled.
  • Larger Health Bar.
  • Scaleable.
  • Class Coloured Health Bar.
  • Hidden Portrait Text Spam.
  • Hidden when out of Combat (Without Target / Low Health).
  • Improved Fonts.

Target Frame

  • Moved and Re-Scaled.
  • Larger Health Bar.
  • Scaleable.
  • Class Coloured Health Bar.
  • Improved Fonts.
  • Buffs on Top.

Target of Target

  • Improved Fonts.
  • Scaleable.
  • Class Coloured Health Bar.

Party Frames

  • Improved Fonts.

Action Bars

  • Out of Range Indicator.
  • Customizable Texts.
  • Casting Bar Repositioned and Scaled.
  • Improved Fonts.
  • Scaleable Buffs and Debuffs.

Mini Map

  • Moved and Re-Scaled.
  • Player Co-Ordinates.
  • System Performance Statistics.
  • Scroll Wheel Zoom.
  • Improved Fonts.


  • Anchored to Mouse.
  • Styled Tooltips.
  • Unit Hostility Border.
  • Coloured Unit Guild Name, Level, Faction and Race.
  • Target of Target.
  • Class Coloured Health Bar and Name.
  • Improved Font.
  • Item Rarity Border.


  • Improved Chat Font.
  • Shortened Blizzard Strings (Loot, Exp Gain, Profession Levels etc).


  • Low Health Warnings (50% and 25%).
  • Interrupt Announcements.
  • Kill Feed.
  • Highlighted Killing Blows.
  • Instant Battleground Ressurection.

Modern WoW Exclusives


  • Guild Bank Repair Support.
  • Automatic Achievement Screenshot.
  • Replacement Order Hall Bar.

Unit Frames

Focus Frame

  • Moved and Re-Scaled.
  • Larger Health Bar.
  • Improved Fonts.
  • Class Coloured Health Bar.

Action Bars

  • Micro Menu replaced with custom drop up menu. (Right of Main Bar).
  • Bags Hidden (Show with drop up menu option).

Classic WoW Exclusives

Unit Frames

Party Frames

  • Moved and Re-Scaled.
  • Scaleable.

Target Frame

  • Added Health Text customisable with standard Blizzard "Status Text" option.
  • Added Mana Text customisable with standard Blizzard "Status Text" option.

Improved Blizzard UI needs you!

Improved Blizzard UI is on Github and this is where all issues should be reported. New Feature requests are always welcome as are pull requests.

Recommended Addons

Improved Blizzard UI works best with the following addons.

Classic WoW


The following libraries have been used in the development of Improved Blizzard UI: