Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


moving unitframes

k1ck3r opened this issue ยท 3 comments


trying to move unitframes i'm getting the following error
can you say what could be wrong? disabled all addons, beside IMP and WeakAuras, and i'm sure that couldn't be from any of my WA's

Message: Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:733: Frame PlayerFrame is not movable
Time: Tue Sep 11 19:35:41 2018
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:733: Frame PlayerFrame is not movable
[C]: in function `StartMoving'
Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:733: in function <Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:732>

Locals: (*temporary) = PlayerFrame {
 0 = <userdata>
 portrait = PlayerPortrait {
 healAbsorbBar = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBar {
 myManaCostPredictionBar = PlayerFrameManaCostPredictionBar {
 PlayerFrameHealthBarAnimatedLoss = <unnamed> {
 statusSign = -1
 unit = "player"
 healAbsorbBarRightShadow = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBarRightShadow {
 healAbsorbBarLeftShadow = PlayerFrameHealAbsorbBarLeftShadow {
 menu = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:53
 feedbackText = PlayerHitIndicator {
 totalAbsorbBar = PlayerFrameTotalAbsorbBar {
 totalAbsorbBarOverlay = PlayerFrameTotalAbsorbBarOverlay {
 overHealAbsorbGlow = PlayerFrameOverHealAbsorbGlow {
 statusCounter = 0
 healthbar = PlayerFrameHealthBar {
 overAbsorbGlow = PlayerFrameOverAbsorbGlow {
 manabar = PlayerFrameManaBar {
 inSequence = false
 isAnimatedOut = false
 threatIndicator = PlayerFrameFlash {
 state = "player"
 myHealPredictionBar = PlayerFrameMyHealPredictionBar {
 name = PlayerName {
 feedbackFontHeight = 30
 OnEvent = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\PlayerFrame.lua:157
 otherHealPredictionBar = PlayerFrameOtherHealPredictionBar {

I remember having this issue with another addon. When an addon locks a frame, even if the player unlocks it, they won't be able to move it. I've been able to "fix" it by commenting out modules/frames/player.lua#96, but the next time you reload the UI, it will reset to their original (addon-placed) position.
This is especially an issue for me, because the default position covers roughly 1/4 of my chat frame. As a temporary solution, I've just commented out the -- Position blocks of the player, target, and focus frames.


@mikevb1 I fixed this issue in my personal fork of this addon, along with fixing the frame reset you mentioned. The trick is to only partially comment out the lines see my reply to issue #112


Feel free to do as above states.