Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Player frames not showing unless targeting something and not a single frame can be moved (following error:)

illililli opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Date: 2018-09-29 05:15:22
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua line 1112:
Frame TargetFrame is not movable
[C]: StartMoving()
(*temporary) = TargetFrame {
0 =
debuffs = TargetFrameDebuffs {
portrait = TargetFramePortrait {
showThreat = true
raidTargetIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameRaidTargetIcon {
highLevelTexture = TargetFrameTextureFrameHighLevelTexture {
healAbsorbBarRightShadow = TargetFrameHealAbsorbBarRightShadow {
healAbsorbBarLeftShadow = TargetFrameHealAbsorbBarLeftShadow {
totalAbsorbBarOverlay = TargetFrameTotalAbsorbBarOverlay {
petBattleIcon = TargetFrameTextureFramePetBattleIcon {
prestigePortrait = TargetFrameTextureFramePrestigePortrait {
showAuraCount = true
showLeader = true
healthbar = TargetFrameHealthBar {
pvpIcon = TargetFrameTextureFramePVPIcon {
buffsOnTop = true
questIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameQuestIcon {
deadText = TargetFrameTextureFrameDeadText {
myHealPredictionBar = TargetFrameMyHealPredictionBar {
noTextPrefix = true
elapsed = 0.45300001464784
buffs = TargetFrameBuffs {
nameBackground = TargetFrameNameBackground {
showLevel = true
levelText = TargetFrameTextureFrameLevelText {
spellbarAnchor = TargetFrameBuff6 {
leaderIcon = TargetFrameTextureFrameLeaderIcon {
healAbsorbBar = TargetFrameHealAbsorbBar {
totFrame = TargetFrameToT {
statusSign = -1
unit = "target"
showPVP = true
auraRows = 2
spellbar = TargetFrameSpellBar {
borderTexture = TargetFrameTextureFrameTexture {
totalAbsorbBar = TargetFrameTotalAbsorbBar {
showPortrait = true
threatIndicator = TargetFrameFlash {
showClassification = true
statusCounter = 0
unconsciousText = TargetFrameTextureFrameUnconsciousText {
overHealAbsorbGlow = TargetFrameTextureFrameOverHealAbsorbGlow {
manabar = TargetFrameManaBar {
overAbsorbGlow = TargetFrameTextureFrameOverAbsorbGlow {
unitHPPercent = 1
OnEvent = defined @interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:155
prestigeBadge = TargetFrameTextureFramePrestigeBadge {
threatNumericIndicator = TargetFrameNumericalThreat {
menu = defined @interface\FrameXML\TargetFrame.lua:101
powerBarAlt = TargetFramePowerBarAlt {
textureFrame = TargetFrameTextureFrame {
name = TargetFrameTextureFrameName {
otherHealPredictionBar = TargetFrameOtherHealPredictionBar {
Background = TargetFrameBackground {

Swatter, v8.0.6162 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BadBoy, vv8.0.7
Bagnon, v8.0.6
BlizzMove, vv1.8
Chatter, v1.5.8
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
ErrorMonster, vv8.0.2
GTFO, v4.46.9
ImprovedBlizzardUI, v2.3.6
SexyMap, vv8.0.8
Stubby, v8.0.6161 (SwimmingSeadragon)
TipTacItemRef, v18.08.12
TipTacTalents, v18.07.30
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v8.0.1.80000


I fixed this issue in my personal fork of this addon, see below images -
Player.lua, Target.lua , Focus.lua
(note: that commented out a couple of the positional lines and this corrected the unlock/moved frame window and the position stays on /reload)


Yep this is technically a "fix" for the issue of moving frames but obviously it's how I originally set the position and keep it a constant so not being moveable is intended.

With regards to the Player frame hiding, this occurs when out of combat and at max health. A config option is available for this.