Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Focus frame option

Wizeowel opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Your addon is ideal for me, I like how it places the player and target frames. The party frames also look good, positioned nicely central, but not as close as the player frame. It's a shame the triple stacked action bars don't work anymore but

However, I have a suggestion for the focus frame. When playing a healer I have several important weakauras that I want to place near each individual party member frame, but unfortunately the focus frame is in the way.

Would it be possible to add a configuration option to choose to anchor the focus frame above the target instead? So that it's on the right side of the screen. Or am I overlooking some other UI elements that are often above the target?

Perhaps something like this ... focus.lua (85)
if (FramesDB.focusAnchorToTarget) then
FocusFrame:SetPoint('LEFT', TargetFrame, 'TOP', -150, 90)
FocusFrame:SetPoint('RIGHT', PlayerFrame, 'TOP', 150, 90)


This should be covered in the next release but needs testing. Going to keep this open for now however.


Nice one! :-)