Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Can't join Battleground

TulleO opened this issue ยท 13 comments


when i Try to Join a Battleground this Message pops out.

Try to Join Battleground Error


I can't seem to replicate this issue. I run battlegrounds pretty often.

Could you disable all over addons and see if the issue persists? And just checking, what version are you using? :)


If i disable all other addons the Issue is still the same. Im running Version 1.3.2


Thanks for checking.

Please could you install these 2 addons. Attempt to join a Random Battleground and screenshot the error? :)


There you go :)



Thank you very much. I'm raiding right now but will try to take a look just after.

From a quick look at that though I'm stumped because this addon in no way calls any of those functions. Sorry for making you jump through hoops. If possible could you make a backup of your WTF directory, delete it and try again with just those 3 addons enabled? If it's still an issue after that then just put your WTF directory back.

Edit: Also, how are you changing those fonts? An addon or just simply using the Fonts folder?


I'm trying to Delete the WTF directory when I get back home and report the outcome!
The Fonts are changed with the Fonts folder but I already deleted the Fonts folder and the Issue still persisted.


Deleted the WTF directory and still the same Error.



I'm sincerely struggling to reproduce the issue at all.

What spec / class are you playing as?
What faction?
EU or NA?
Are you in a party when you try?

Sorry just difficult to debug an issue I can't reproduce.

EDIT: I managed to reproduce it! I'm guessing you open the PvP tab using the right click minimap menu?

For now use the Group Finder / PvP hotkey rather than using the menu :) I'll look into this properly now that I know what causes it (kind of)

Thank you sincerely for your testing :)

2nd Edit; Caused by ToggleEncounterJournal becoming a protected function in Legion. I'll see if there is an alternative way around this, if not I may simply have to remove the option.


Can i do anything else? Like Repair my Game or something?


No need :) Not an issue with your client just how blizzard changed the code. I simply must have misses this change with legion. I'll have a fix up on curse and wowinterface in less than an hour.




"Fixed" with 9215a7a

Use the new PvP tab. Uploaded to Curse and WoWInterface so once they accept it you can update :)


works like a charm! Great work dude!