Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Localisation Improvements / Changes

kaytotes opened this issue · 5 comments


During the process of the BfA overhaul I am going to be adding a bunch of new strings as well as attempting to improve documentation.

The new template will be created as I add each new feature that requires a string then once the overhaul is nearing completion I'll have to try and salvage whatever I can from the previous localisation files.


The Overhaul is now feature complete and as such will need localising. I've had a look at what can be ported over and what can't and frankly I think this would need to basically just be done again because being 1/4 done is worse than not at all.

ptBR was originally submitted by @cyberdisarray
deDE was originally submitted by @Marakuja and @ben2k1690
ruRU i'm unsure who submitted it but this is the commit from 3 years ago db6fe47


That would be fantastic if you could @ben2k1690

Thank you for sharing excellent UI. This is localized in Chinese. Please accept it. Thank you very much.


Wow thank you very much Blader. I'll see about getting that integrated.