Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Unit Frames Overhaul

kaytotes opened this issue ยท 12 comments


I need to fix a couple issues as well as adding greater configuration options. Frankly i'm undecided as to whether I'll be doing what I already do by changing the Blizzard Unit Frames, essentially recreating them using oUF or alternatively using Unit Frames Improved as visual inspiration and going from there.


Started work on this last night and did some fiddling around. Come to this so far that i'm happy with for both Player and Target. Unsure if I'm going to change the ToT frame as it looks fine by default, might try changing it to be similar to the other frames but it would honestly be a bit of a squeeze considering it doesn't have an equivalent to the "Name" frame on it to steal space from.


Configuration wise this has been improved a little. By default the frames are slightly smaller and can also have styling toggled off, class colours, scale, portrait spam as well as buffs on top for Target. I'm intending on having X and Y positioning options in the config too but I think i'm going to have to make some changes to lib\Wasabi to support that and then might as well pull request those changes.


Going to take a look at Party, Focus and Boss frames next.


This is looking pretty good! ๐Ÿ‘


Done some more tweaking with this. Styled and positioned the focus frame relative to the player frame and also based on the overall "global" scale in configuration, class colours included of course. Also added a consistent font across unit frames.


Going to swap over to doing some action bar work next I think before doing Party and Boss frames as I can't stand doing dungeons with the default positioning.


Just making a note to check status bar text with these updates for myself


@sphvn been watching a load of BfA Alpha footage today and the numbers are squished a huuuuge amount. 500 - 1500 for an ability. Due to this as well as the item level squish I won't be making any changes like truncating the current numbers. Consider it a maybe once I've done the rest or alternatively feel free to pull this branch and fiddle around.


Wasn't implying a reformat sorry, just to check myself that when the status text is turned on it fits well with the name / bar positioning as is. :)


world of warcraft 9_02_2018 10_42_00 pm

Only clipping I see is on the pet frame, albeit this won't bother me as I don't play a class with pets currently. Was checking for pet / stance bar overlaps.


@sphvn Interestingly the overlap of the pet frame appears to be a part of Blizzards UI, at least in the case of Hunters. I don't have a DK to test on. Does this overlapping of pet text over runes occur when just using the default UI?



@sphvn That's great I thought as much. Will get round to doing party frames and boss frames this weekend then this can be closed off.


@kaytotes Yeah it certainly does happen on the default UI, ignore me on this one ๐Ÿ‘


Done testing and happy with this. Marking as complete.


Party frames are now re positioned and styled with matching font. They also now grow upwards so that it looks better. Scale is essentially the primary scale + 0.2.

Done a few dungeons for testing but think it's stable thus far.
