Improved Blizzard UI

Improved Blizzard UI


Disable Target of Focus

adamhl8 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


If possible, a way to disable the Focus' Target frame would be awesome.


Any chance of a screen shot? The focus frame doesn't have a target that I'm aware of.

Nevermind, I'm a dope and didn't realise it doesn't working when testing on yourself. As far as I'm aware this is just a part of the Blizzard Target of Target functionality.


Ah okay. So changing the CVar for Target of Target does disable it, but it also disables the actual Target of Target. I'm trying to just disable the Focus Frame target of target. I can "disable" it by doing FocusFrameToT:SetScale(0.0001) (Hide doesn't work), but I would assume there's probably a better way of doing that.


Aye there's definitely better ways of doing this but I'll have to sit down and make sure this is well tested before releasing so might take a bit longer. Believe me something as simple as hiding Blizzard stuff never ends up simple since they have a habit of recreating or moving things on the most random of events.