I forget where I saw it but at one point I saw someone describe Destruction Warlock as "The Heavy Artillery Spec" and it occurred to me that a lot of Destro's abilities don't sound anything like what the class-fantasy would suggest so I took it upon myself to make these. You've got mortar-fire/Mortar-shell-explosions for Chaos Bolt and bottle-rocket whistles for channel demonfire
How to install and set up:
You'll need the TellMeWhen addon before anything else. Install that, then do as follows in game:
To open the TellMeWhen addon and make use of it, type in /tmw
For Channel Demonfire:
(Make sure WoW isn't running before doing step 1, for step 2 and onwards it's all done through in game UI)
1. Take the sound file for Channel Demonfire and place it in the following directory: Battle.net > World of Warcraft > Sound
(If you don't have a sound folder in your World of Warcraft folder, make one and put the sound mod files in it)
2. Boot up wow and type in "/tmw" into chat then right click one of the 4 blank boxes that come up. From there, go to the Icons tab, then in the top left there will be a drop down menu, click it then select "Combat Event"
3. Type In "Channel Demonfire" in the "What to Track" field then select whichever one has the data ID 196447 on the list that pops up on the right hand side of the window
4. In the field below "Combat Events" select "Casts" and "Spell Cast Successful"
5. Set the "Timer to set on event" to 0:01
5. Set "Source Unit(s)" to "player" so you only hear these sound effects when you cast the spell.
(Note that these sound effects are client side only)
6. Check the box on the right side of the window "Always Hidden" to hide the icon after closing the TellMeWhen window
7. Navigate to the "Notification Tab" (lower left corner of the window) then hit "Add Notification" and select Sound and the set the Trigger to "On Combat Event"
9. In the "Custom sound" field below the list of provided sounds by TellMeWhen, Type in: Sound/NameOfSoundFile.mp3 then click the little speaker icon to see if you've done everything correctly. (Note: If you want to use any custom sound files of your own, they must be in .mp3 format)
And that's it for Channel Demonfire, and as a rule of thumb, that's basically how you'd go about giving any of your abilities a custom sound effect upon successfully using that ability
Moving on to Chaos Bolt:
Start by right-clicking a new blank box to make another Icon and do everything again except with Chaos bolt. Spell ID is 116858
As for making the Impact sound effect work for when Chaos Bolt hits something, you'll have to create another Icon that is specifically for playing a sound upon damaging something with chaos bolt. To do that, again, exact same process EXCEPT in the "Combat Events" field, change "Casts > Successful Spell Cast" to "Spells > Spell Damage" so the sound effect plays when you deal damage instead of when you successfully cast the spell
As for the rest of the options, don't go fiddling with any of them unless you know what you're doing as I'm not responsible for any weirdness that may come about as a result.