Incognito Resurrected

Incognito Resurrected


Incognito Resurrected
Incognito Resurrected adds your specified name in front of your chat messages. Incongito Resurrrected can be enabled for guild (and officer), party and raid chat messages.


  • [Guild] [Yourchar]: Some chat message
  • [Guild] [Yourchar]: (Yourname): Some chat message


You can use the GUI config dialog or the slash commands /inc /incognito or /incognitoresurrected slash options

  • /inc config - Open configuration dialog
  • /inc enable - Enable or disable adding your name to chat messages
  • /inc name - The name that should be displayed in your chat messages

AddOns Options

  • Enable - Enable adding your name to chat messages.
  • Name - The name that should be displayed in your chat messages
  • Guild - Add name to guild chat messages
  • Party - Add name to party chat messages
  • Raid - Add name to raid chat messages
  • Channel - Add name to chat messages in a custom channel
  • Debug - Enable debugging messages output. You probably don't want to enable this

Features and Bugs
If you have a feature request of find a bug please report them in the Issues section.