Indigo's OOC Chat Tool

Indigo's OOC Chat Tool


IndiOOC is a simple add-on that lets you toggle on and off out of character chat. This being the '((' '))' that is placed around text when you want to let others know what you are saying is not in scope (out of character).

Simply type /ooc to toggle on or off this add-on.

I have noticed that if you use multiple chat panels to organize your messages the add-on will not display parenthesis around text when you are whispering in any other chat panel except the default panel. This is not a bug; it is merely a limitation of the current release. This is a feature that may be added to a future release but adds much more complexity then I am comfortable with supporting as of right now.

… turn on ooc chat.
((Whatever you type from here on end will contain double parenthesis around it.))
((When you are done typing your messages or message, just type /ooc again))
and continue with in character chat.

If you just have something quick to say in the /say channel, you can quickly type…
/ooc This is my message
The above will enclose your message with (( )) without toggling the add-on, on or off.

Hope you find this usefull.