Infernum Assignments

Infernum Assignments



This addon is based on Angry Assignments. It adds the ability to create messages in an assignment that will only be displayed to particular members of the raid based on their: class, role, name or group.  This addon is compatible with members of the raid who are running Angry Assignments v1.8.10, (rather than running Infernum Assignments), but members running Angry Assignments will see all conditional messages regardless of their role, class, etc.


Conditionally displayed messages use the following format:

<role:healer>Conditionally Displayed Text</>

Where "Conditionally Displayed Text" will only be shown to players with their role set to healer. Every conditional message starts with <command:value> and must be closed with </>. In this example, the command is "role" and the value is "healer". Any text inside of the tags (<>) will automatically be removed before being displayed.


The available conditional commands are:

 <class:priest></> This message will only be shown to priests in the raid. Class names need to be in all lower case letters.
 <name:Peet></> This message will only be shown to characters named Peet or with their Nick Name set to Peet in the raid. Character names are case sensitive.
<role:healer></> This message will only be shown to characters with their role set to healer. Available roles are: healer, tank, damage. Role names must be in all lower case letters.
 <group:1></> This message will only be displayed to characters in raid group 1.

Multiple Values

Values are the part of a command following the colon. For example in <role:healer> the value is "healer". Except for the character name command, all values are lower case. For the character name command, the case must match the case of the player's name.

Infernum Assignments also supports multiple values for a conditional. Any number of values can be entered separated by a comma. For example:

<class:mage,hunter>Immunity Order</>

Will display "Immunity Order" to all hunters or mages in the raid. There is no limit to the number of values for a given command.

Nested Conditionals

Conditional commands can be nested in Infernum Assignments. This means that a conditional command can be put inside another conditional command. For example:

<role:healer><class:druid>Druid Healer</></>

Will display "Druid Healer" to all Druids in the raid with the role of "Healer". All of the commands listed in the "Commands" section can be nested. Note: the order of nesting does not matter. The above conditional is functionally equivalent to

<class:druid><role:healer>Druid Healer</></>

Multiple value conditionals can also be nested. For example

<class:druid,shaman><role:healer>Druid or Shaman Healer</></>

Will display "Druid or Shaman Healer" to all Druid or Shamans in the raid with their role set to healer.


The infernum assignments menu can be accessed by typing /aa in the chat window. It can also be accessed by going to Interface->AddOns->Infernum Assignments. Infernum Assignment settings are stored separately from Angry Assignment settings.

Nick Names

Players with long or inconvenient to type names can set their Nick Name in the "Nick Name" text box in the Infernum Assignments settings menu. When a Nick Name is set, you will see all messages where Name has been restricted to either your exact character name or your Nick Name.

Show All Messages

The extended functionality of this addon can be toggled off using the "Show All Messages" checkbox in the Interface->Addons->Infernum Assignments menu. When Show All Messages is enabled, you will see all parts of every assignment, regardless of your role, class, etc.

Assignment Tracking

Infernum Assignments supports tracking which part of an assignment is active as the raid progresses through a fight. The Raid Leader can configure triggers to change the active assignment based on: a fixed period of time (since combat began, or a different trigger occurred), the boss health percentage, a DBM timer finishing or when a particular boss/player casts a spell.

DBM Triggered assignments will only work if you have DBM Installed. If you do not have DBM installed, the assignments will never be triggered on your screen.


The currently active part of an assignment will be highlighted in green. The next active part of an assignment will be highlighted in yellow. The general idea is that when you look at Infernum Assignments, if a line that is about you is highlighted in yellow you will be next person in the rotation and if a line about you is highlighted in green you are the current person in the rotation.

General Example

This is an example of an assignment configure to be tracked (the individual details of each part of this assignment will be outlined in the section below):

[dbm:Arma]Paladin 1 Soak
[dbm:Arma]Mage Soak
[dbm:Arma]Paladin 2 Soak

[dbm:Frigid Blows]Druid Tranq
[+10]Priest Hymn - 10 seconds after tranq
[db:Frigid Blows]Monk Revival
[5] 5 Seconds has Passed since combat began
[15] 15 Seconds has Passed since combat began
[Armageddon] Armageddon has been cast (after 15 seconds since combat began)
[50%] The boss has reached 50% health
[+15] 15 Seconds has Passed since the boss reached 50% health
[dbm:Fel Claws]DBM Timer for Fel Claws finished, after the boss reached 50% health

[+30] Triggered at 1:07, 2:07, 3:07 etc.
[+30] Triggered at 1:37, 2:37, 3:37 etc.

All of the configuration for automatically tracked assignments takes place in tags surrounded by brackets []. Any text inside of the [] tags will automatically be removed before being displayed. The follow section outlines all of the available tracking tags.

Assignment tracking always follows the order that the triggers are listed in. This means that assignment tracking will start at the top of a tracking section and then move line by line through an assignment. If a trigger further down the list occurs Infernum Assignment will ignore the trigger until that trigger is the next active assignment. More detail on this is outlined in the Cast Trigger section below.

In general, the parts of an assignment that are associated with a trigger must be listed on the same line as that trigger.  When a trigger occurs, the entire contents of the line (excluding what's listed in the []) will be highlighted and displayed as an alert (if the player has alerts enabled)

Start Tag

Every tracked part of an assignment must begin with a [start] tag. This tag indicates that it is the beginning of an automatically tracked part of an assignment. Each assignment can contain an unlimited number of [start] tags. Every [start] tag must have either an associated [end] or [repeat] tag. [start] tags must be placed on their own line. The [start] tag and the entire contents of the line that it is on will be automatically removed before being displayed. The first tag following a [start] tag will be the next active assignment when combat begins. 

Optionally, a start tag can have a time specified. When a start tag has a time specified, then a relative time trigger following it will start delayed by the number of seconds in the start tag. The following example will be triggered 10 seconds into combat:

[+10] 10 Seconds since combat began

Whereas the following example will be triggered 13 seconds into combat:

[+10] 13 Seconds since combat began

Absolute Time Trigger

An absolute time trigger is an assignment that will be triggered a fixed period of time after combat begins. These triggers can be useful for scripted boss events that happen at a fixed time after combat begins. Absolute time triggers support times listed as seconds or minutes:seconds. For example:

[75] Triggered 75 seconds after combat begins

[1:15] Triggered 75 seconds after combat begins

The part of the assignment that is associated with the trigger must be on the same line. Any text between the [] tags will be removed automatically.

Relative Time Trigger

A relative time trigger is an assignment that will be triggered a fixed period of time after the assignment before it was triggered. These type of triggers can be placed after any other trigger time. Relative time triggers must begin with a + sign, otherwise the trigger will be interpreted as an absolute time trigger. 

[+30] Triggered at 0:55, 2:55, 4:55, etc.
[+1:00] Triggered at 1:55, 3:55, 5:55, etc.
[+30] Triggered at 2:25, 4:24, 6:25, etc.

If a relative time trigger is placed after a [start] tag, it will be triggered based on the time since combat began. If an assignment tracking section ends with a repeat tag, and begins with a relative time trigger, the relative time trigger will occur the number of seconds since the last line in the tracking section. Relative time triggers support times in the format seconds or minutes:seconds.

The part of the assignment that is associated with the trigger must be on the same line. Any text between the [] tags will be removed automatically.

Boss Health Trigger

A boss health trigger is an assignment that will occur after the boss (or a particular boss when there is more than 1 in the encounter) reaches a certain health percentage. Boss health triggers must end with a % sign. 

[66%] Boss 1 reaches 66% health

If a particular boss is not specified, "boss1" is assumed. (This will be the first boss shown in raid frames). In order to specify a boss other than "boss1" it must be referenced by it's WoW unitID. The information for a particular fight can usually be found on wowhead. Usually bosses for an encounter will be one of the following:

  • boss1 - the boss in the first boss frame
  • boss2 - the boss in the second boss frame
  • boss3 - the boss in the third boss frame
  • boss4 - the boss in the fourth boss frame

For example:

[boss1:66%] Boss 1 has reached 66%
[boss2:25%] Boss 2 has reached 25%
[boss1:5%] Boss 1 has reached 5%

The part of the assignment that is associated with the trigger must be on the same line. Any text between the [] tags will be removed automatically.

Cast Trigger

A cast trigger is an assignment that will be made active when a particular spell is cast by either a particular boss, or cast by anyone. Infernum Assignment tracks cast triggers based on the name of the spell cast, so if a boss ability shares a name with an ability that one of the players in the raid uses, it is important to specify which boss should be watched for a spell cast, otherwise a player casting the spell may trigger the assignment.

Cast triggered assignments are triggered when a spell is successfully cast. If a boss begins to cast a spell but does not complete it, the assignment will not be triggered.

[boss1:Armageddon] Triggered when Boss 1 casts Armageddon
[Armageddon] Triggered when anyone casts Armageddon

Infernum Assignments will only watch for a particular cast when a cast trigger is the next active assignment. Otherwise the cast will be ignored. For example, if the following assignment is in place:

[+30] 30 seconds
[Armageddon] Someone cast Armageddon after 30 seconds in combat

And Armageddon is cast 15 seconds into the fight, the active assignment will not skip down to the Armageddon line. Instead, Infernum Assignments will only watch for casts of Armageddon after 30 seconds has passed since the beginning of combat.

The part of the assignment that is associated with the trigger must be on the same line. Any text between the [] tags will be removed automatically.

DBM Trigger

DBM triggered assignments are assignments that will become active after a DBM Timer finishes. The DBM trigger tag specifies the text to watch DBM timers for; if a DBM timer that contains the text specified in the tag finishes, the assignment is triggered. If DBM cancels the timer before it finishes, this assignment is not triggered. 

[dbm:Frigid Blows]DBM Frigid Blows timer finished
[dbm:Unchecked Rage]DBM Unchecked Rage timer finished
[dbm:Uncheck]DBM timer containing "Uncheck" finished

It is important to double check the spelling of DBM time triggers, as the text will need to be exactly contained in the DBM timer's text that finishes.

Any DBM timer finishing that contains the text specified in the DBM Trigger will trigger the assignment. As a result, if the fight has multiple similar timers it is important that the trigger uses the full text of the timer, otherwise it may be triggered at the wrong point. For example, on Demonic Inquisition, there is a DBM Timer for "Fel Squall CD" and "Fel Squal Ends". This DBM Assignment would be triggered when either timers finish:

[dbm:Fel Squall]

Wheras this timer would only be triggered when the "Fel Squall CD" timer ends:

[dbm:Fel Squall CD]

The same rules about assignments being executed in order applies to DBM triggered assingments. Which means that if the assignment before a DBM trigger hasn't been triggered yet, the DBM event will be ignored. For example, if the following assignment is displayed:

[dbm:Frigid Blows]

And the Frigid Blows timer finishes 15 seconds into the fight, then the 2nd assignment will not be triggered, because Infernum Assignments is still waiting for 30 seconds to pass in order to trigger the first assignment.

End Tag

The end tag specifies the end of an assignment tracking section. After assignment tracking reaches an end tag, it will stop updating and the last item before the end tag will remain as the current assignment until the end of the fight.

[end] tags must be placed on their own line. The [end] tag and the entire contents of the line that it is on will be automatically removed before being displayed.

Repeat Tag

The repeat tag specified the end of an assignment tracking section. After assignment tracking reaches a repeat tag, it will start the assignment again from the initial [start] tag. For example an assignment to cycle through people for soaking Armageddons would look like this:

[Armageddon] Mage Soak
[Armageddon] Hunter Soak
[Armageddon] Paladin Soak
[Armageddon] Paladin 2 Soak

Optionally, a repeat tag can also specify a period of time. If a time is specified for a repeat tag, then the assignment will only move back up to the [start] tag after that period of time has passed. For example:

[+5] Triggered at 0:05, 0:20, 0:35, etc.

[repeat] tags must be placed on their own line. The [repeat] tag and the entire contents of the line that it is on will be automatically removed before being displayed.

Assignment Alerts

When the currently active part of a assignment is changed, Infernum Assignments will automatically display a raid warning. This raid warning is only shown to people who see the assignment containing the tracking information. So for example, only healers would see raid warnings from the following assignment:

[47] Healing CD at 47 seconds

This is a personal raid warning and does not affect other members of the raid who do not have Infernum Assignments or have Assignment Alerts disabled.

Assignment Alerts can be disabled using the "Disable Alerts" checkbox in the /aa menu. This will only affect you; other members of the raid will still see Assignment Alerts.


Infernum Assignments is configured to automatically start and stop WoW's built in stopwatch when combat begins and ends. This was designed to make it easier to follow assignment timers. WoW's built in stopwatch can be moved and configured using the in-game interface.

The Infernum Assignment stopwatch can be disabled using the "Disable Stopwatch" checkbox in the /aa menu


Angry Assignments source code used under BSD License. This project is not endorsed in any way by the creators of Angry Assignments or it's contributors.