Infinite Raid Tools
Updated 5 months ago
Created 8 years ago
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Ready Check Module
Raiders: If you are in a raid and you are either AFK or decline a ready check you will get a button show up on your screen that will inform the raid that you are ready once you press it.
Calendar Notification Module
On login a voice reads 'You have X amount of unanswered calendar invites' (only counting raid events). If you have no unanswered invites you get no notification.
Sludgefist Module
Preview of popup and yell which happens during gaze and the infobox which shows information ahead of time to give you time to prepare and shows a range check.
Interrupt Module
Preview of the popup that appears on your screen when it is your turn to interrupt and the text anchored to the nameplate of the mob that you are supposed to interrupt.
Stone Legion Generals Module
Preview of the infobox that appears during Heart Rend with healers assigned to a debuffed player each and the countdown that begins after someone been dispelled as well as the popup that shows for the healer when its their time to dispel.
Lady Inerva Darkvein Module
Marks players with Sins and Suffering pointing them to star, circle and diamond. Since the orbs spawns before the debuffs goes out the raid leader can use world marks to tell people where to go before the debuffs even goes out.
Hungering Destroyer Module
Preview of the popup text and yell informing players of which mark to soak and go to for an even spread of Miasma.
Ready Check Module Raiders
Raiders: All players that presses not ready or are AFK gets a IRT: I am ready now button that informs the leader that they are ready.
The Council of Blood Module
Preview of the infobox of players affected by Dancing Fever, showing the order which players should jump, the players affected by it and how many stacks they have. Always putting the healers last.
Consumable Check Module
Preview of consumable check from Mage PoV (can buff) and Paladin PoV (cant buff). Also a preview of the armor kit/weapon oil/stone buttons, once mouseovering the actual buttons a tooltip appears with more info.
Huntsman Altimor Module
Preview of the popup text and yell informing players of which mark to soak and their position or counting down if they have sinseeker themselves.
Ready Check Module Raid Leader
Raid leader(sender): If you have this enabled and send a ready check a list will show up of players that are AFK/not ready after the Blizzard ready check finished that updates in real time as the players presses their IRT ready button.
Innervate Module
Tells your druid that you need innervate with a popup on your druids screen! By macroing: /irtinnervate PlayerName Modify the size and position of the popup text in the general settings!