




As of 11.0.0 spells are currently not working


Originally, InfinitySearch was about quickly accessing and using toys, mounts, and pets. That lasted about a week. It now allows opening UI panels, executing addon commands, casting spells, and macros.


  • Set a keybind to Toggle InfinitySearch
  • Hit said keybind
  • Start typing
  • Press Tab to cycle through options
  • Press Enter Twice (Once to exit the editbox, the second to activate the option)
  • Or Click on an option


Configuration options can be accessed via the Interface Panel or by searching for InfinitySearch: Options in the search bar.

Moving the bar can be done by searching and selecting InfinitySearch: Drag Mode

To disable a collection of commands, open the configuration screen and toggle on/off whichever collection you would like to enable/disable.

Registering your addon with InfinitySearch

There are two APIs for registering and one for unregistering. Registered commands are executed from a SecureActionButton and are only executed out of combat. For examples and boilerplate code please refer to Extras.lua.

InfinitySearch:RegisterAddonMacrotext(addon, command, icon, action)

The name of your addon is prepended to the command, so there is no need to include your addon name in the command name.

Argument Type Optional Description
addon string The name of your addon
command string The text that shows up in the option selection
icon string yes The icon for your command
action string The macrotext to run i.e. /happy

InfinitySearch:RegisterAddonFunction(addon, command, icon, action)

The name of your addon is prepended to the command, so there is no need to include your addon name in the command name.

Argument Type Optional Description
addon string The name of your addon
command string The text that shows up in the option selection
icon string yes The icon for your command
action function The function to run

InfinitySearch:UnregisterAddonCommand(addon, command)

Argument Type Optional Description
addon string The name of your addon
command string The text that shows up in the option selection


InfinitySearch:RegisterAddonFunction("Extras: InfinitySearch", "Options", nil, function() InfinitySearch:ShowConfig(); end);
InfinitySearch:RegisterAddonMacrotext("Extras: Bartender4", "Options", nil, "/bt4");
InfinitySearch:UnregisterAddonCommand("Extras: Bartender4", "Options");