

InspectFix is a tiny addon that fixes several annoying bugs that arise while using the Blizzard Inspect UI.

If you like InspectFix, please check out the Blizzard Bug Fix Addon Pack!


The Blizzard API for performing character inspection has fatal design flaws (namely, it's stateful yet client-oblivious). All UI elements that perform character inspection, from the Blizzard inspect frame to many addons that perform hidden inspects for various purposes, are forced to use this same API and frequently step all over each other while doing so. What this means for the end user is the more addons you install (especially raid/party/character related addons) the less stable the Blizzard inspect UI becomes. Common failures include the inspect window suddenly and inexplicably changing to show incorrect gear or talents, tooltips that suddenly stop working, or lua errors regarding the Blizzard_InspectUI.

InspectFix restores the stability of the Blizzard inspect UI. It does this primarily by blocking all hidden inspect requests from any addons while the user has the inspect UI open. It also provides workarounds for several common lua errors involving the inspect frame.

Some of the problems this addon corrects:

  • Inspect window suddenly and inexplicably changing to show incorrect gear or talents
  • Tooltips in the inspect window that suddenly stop working
  • Inspect window not opening when you try to inspect someone
  • Inspect window closing when you change targets
  • Lua error: AddOns\Blizzard_InspectUI\InspectPaperDollFrame.lua:23: Usage: UnitLevel("unit")
  • Lua error: AddOns\Blizzard_InspectUI\InspectGuildFrame.lua line 18: Usage: GetGuildInfo("unit")

Legion Update: Many Inspect-related problems remain in WoW version 7.x, and this addon remains an effective workaround for them.