Instance Watch

Instance Watch


Instance Watch

Track your raw gold you get during several runs!


/iw                               opens the default window

/iw toggle                  enables/disables the small view

/iw start                     starts a new session

/iw reset                    resets all instances

/iw round                  starts a new round

/iw stop                     stops the current session

/iw resetFrame       resets the frame position

/iw help                     shows all commands

/iw version               shows the current version

Tipps and Tricks

While playing you can close the deafult view and enables the smaller view. 

You have the full access to all functions with the commands listet above.

Use the following macros to minimize your work:

Start a session

/iw start

Reset all instances

/iw reset

Start a new round

/iw round

Start a new round and reset Instances

/iw reset

/iw round

Stop a session

/iw stop

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