BBF - Instant Sell, Repair, Autoloot & More!

BBF - Instant Sell, Repair, Autoloot & More!


Want more fonts, sounds, healthbar textures, and more? Check out my other add-on that adds a bunch of extras into the game for it and any other add-on to have access to. (SharedMedia)

*** Coming Soon **

**                         - TimePlayed display on minimap clock tooltip on mouseover, or click to open display      **

**                         - Right click menu on minimap with everything from the default micromenu                       **


Always adding new small tweaks and things, I write them for my own use but occasionally will incorporate things into this public version.

Will automatically sell junk items, repair gear (Prioritizing guild repairs), and drastically speeds up autoloot if its enabled in the game settings.  Does this the fastest way possible while also in a way that utilizes the absolute bare minimum processing power. Also prints in primary chat box what the results of a repair or sale are.

If "Show Energy" option is selected on default blizzard frames, BBF will hide the DPS mana/energy bars and instead only display mana bars for healers

Also greatly increased the lower and upper limits on the raid frame size slider within the base game settings

Will Automatically place Mythic  + Keystone in slot when starting a M+ run

Adds the following slash commands

/rc = Readycheck

/cr = RoleCheck

/rl = Reload

Auto Health stone/potion macro

How to use:

    >> Create a new macro in game called "BBFHeal" (without quotation marks, case sensitive) don't change anything aside from the name, 

>>Drag and drop the new macro onto an actionbar and you're all set!

This macro will check your bags, and prioritize the use of 
Healthstone > Torghast Health potion > Phial of Serenity (Kyrian potion) > Regular health potion (updated for 9.2)

and it will automatically cycle to the next one in the list on use. Priority list resets on death, so that can cause issues but it will correct itself once the current option comes off cooldown