Instigator Quotes

Instigator Quotes


A simple dumb addon that allows you to say / yell / raid warning a random Instigator Quote.

Main commands:

/gator <command>

/gatr <command>

 By default, typing /gatr or /gator /says a random Instigator quote

Command Options:

s or say: Sends a gator quote to the /say channel. Sets default channel to /say

p or party: Sends a gator quote to the /party channel. Sets default channel to /party

ra or raid: Sends a gator quote to the /raid channel. Sets default channel to /raid

rw or raidwarning: Sends a gator quote to the /raidwarning channel. Sets default channel to /raidwarning

or guild: Sends a gator quote to the /guild channel. Sets default channel to /guild

Example of how to use:

/gatr ra  ----- [raid]: Who is munyanyo?

/gator party ----- [party]: Bing Bong!