


I'm leaving WoW again, my last day is Aug. 31st, 2015. If anyone would like to take over this project leave me a note.


I'm interested to know if users would like to see level 85 5-man dungeon ( and heroic) support added to InterruptReport, please drop a comment if you are interested in this feature.

This addon was written to show my raiding team just how many "Arcane Annihilator" casts Arcanotron in Blackwing Descent was getting off and how much damage it could do to the raid when it did. I updated it to include all the current Cata raid bosses and felt other raiders might like to see it as well.

Current Features
  • Keeps track of preventable damage from interruptable Raid boss spells and reports the damage and interrupts to the player or the raid.

Request Features you want to see in the comments.

Currently Watched Spells
  • Arcane Annihilator : Arcanotron, Omnotron Defense System, Blackwing Descent
  • Arcane Storm : Maloriak, Blackwing Descent
  • Blast Nova : Chromatic Prototype, Nefarian, Blackwing Descent
  • Shadow Nova : Halfus Wyrmbreaker, Bastion of Twilight (Only if Storm Rider is active)
  • Hydro Lance : Feludius, Ascendant Council, Bastion of Twilight
  • Depravity : Corrupting Adherent, Cho'gall, Bastion of Twilight
  • Fiery Web Spin : Cinderweb Spinner, Beth'tilac, Firelands (Only in Heroic mode)
  • Fieroblast : Blazing Talon Initiate, Alysrazor, Firelands (I'm not tracking Ignition during the recharge phase since it doesn't deal damage, just shortens the phase.)
Mists of Pandaria
  • Shadow Blast : Tian Dreadshadow, The Spirit Emperors, Mogu'shan Vaults
  • Mending : Zar'thik Battle-Mender, Wind Lord Mel'jarak, Heart of Fear
  • Lightning Bolt : Elder Regail, Protectors of the Endless, Terrace of the Endless Spring
  • Water Bolt : Elder Asani, Protectors of the Endless, Terrace of the Endless Spring
  • Sand Bolt : Sul the Sandcrawler, Council of Elders, Throne of Thunder
  • Wrath of the Loa (Holy) : High Priestess Mar'li, Council of Elders, Throne of Thunder
  • Wrath of the Loa (Shadow) : High Priestess Mar'li, Council of Elders, Throne of Thunder
Coming Soon (ish)
  • Is there any desire to see older raid content added? Although I can't think of much old content that relied heavily on interrupts.
Known Issues
  • The Blazing Talon Initiates in the fight before Alysrazor also cast Fieroblast, so they also trigger InterruptReport to report damage for that fight. Minor annoyance, I have no intention of fixing this problem.
Resolved Issues
  • Finally figured out what was preventing announcements after some boss fights.
  • Combat Log argument list changed in WoW 4.1.0
  • There is now an option to display interrupts when combat ends if no player took any damage from an interruptable ability.
  • Combat Log Argument list changed in WoW 4.2.0
  • Added Firelands bosses. Only 2 fights involving interrupts and one of those fights is only on heroic.
  • Properly makes spell links to the abilities at the end of combat when reporting.