Intoxicated - Monk Tank Display

Intoxicated - Monk Tank Display


A group of bars tracking everything that a monk tank has to keep track of. This should, in theory, work for all client languages.

This currently tracks:

  • Stagger - total damage
  • Shuffle - time left
  • Elusive Brew - stacks/ time left
  • Resolve - value
  • Guard - value and time left
  • Zen Sphere - time left
  • Dampen Harm - stacks/ time left
  • Fortifying Brew - time left
  • Tiger Power - time left


Have you seen my other add-ons yet?

  • SanityCheck- Of course you know how to play your class, but there is just so much to remember!
  • Raidbot- The right way to raid!
  • Flaskaholic- Flasks are expensive, stop wasting them!
  • Surprise- What does this add-on do? There is only one way to find out!
  • MooTrack- The simple, lightweight way to keep track of buffs and debuffs!
  • MagicMarker- One configurable tool for all your automatic marking needs!