Daily Global Check_Isle of Thunder

Daily Global Check_Isle of Thunder


This is now a plugin and requires Daily Global Check!

Ths Isle of Thunder has a few "once per week" events for every character. These are not account wide so you can complete these events with every level 90 character, but it's not easy to remember which character has killed a rare.. or whether you should be looking around the isle for a trove. That's where "Isle of Thunder Weekly Check" can be very handy. It opens a window with a list of possible events and whether or not the current character has completed them.

We only know of 7 once a week "events" at the moment:

  • Dropping the rare key for the single player Scenario "Troves of Thunder".
  • Looting the Shan'ze stone from the first rare monster killed.
  • Opening a trove around the island (the yellow chest) which rewards a Shan'ze stone.
  • Completing the quest "Champions of the Thunder King"
  • Completing the quest "The Crumbled Chamberlain". This weekly quest is not available in stages 1 and 2. It starts by finding a piece of the statue around the isle marked with the yellow quest exclamation point.
  • Looting one of the summoning incantations (It seems that once you loot one of the three you can not loot another, even of the other two types, for the rest of the week.)
  • Looting Nalak, the Storm Lord (the world boss)

I recently changed the folder name from IoTWeeklyCheck to DailyGlobalCheck_IsleOfThunder, if you are updating the addon manually make sure you don't have two copies of it installed.