

Broker Plugin: iSocial

This small addon merges iFriends and iGuild into one LDB plugin.

Requires an LDB Display Addon, f.e. Chocolate Bar!

Important note

This addon is more like an experimental addon, which my sister demanded. Her intension was to have one LDB plugin for both, friends and guild. Since I have written two powerful LDB plugins, iFriends and iGuild, I decided to create a "proxy" addon which does not bring new features but attaching their tooltips to one LDB plugin.

  • Before installing iSocial
  • After installing iSocial
    • remove iFriends from broker display
    • remove iGuild from broker display
    • add iSocial to broker display

Please do not open tickets like "I recently installed iSocial, neither iFriends nor iGuild tooltips are working anymore". iSocial will actually BREAK the iFriends and iGuild LDB plugins in order to get itself working. In addition to that, iSocial breaks iFriends "old" friendlist support. It only supports and Battle.Tag friends. Maybe I'll fix that, soon.


Please read both iFriends and iGuild pages.

Accessing the iFriends bindings is as easy as before. Simply click the plugin with or without modifiers. To access iGuilds bindings, you must press SHIFT + <binding>.

Requests, Bug Reports and Localization

  • Please use the Ticket System on CurseForge to report bugs, unintended behaviour, request for features, etc. I won't handle any kind of requests via comments on Curse anymore. Thanks.