


Disclaimer: This addon is in an ALPHA-state, and is considered to be a work-in-progress; certain features are incomplete. Any features below marked as "NYI" may not yet be available for use/testing. Additionally, features that are available aren't finalized and may be missing minor functionality or cosmetic elements.

iStableMaster is a replacement to the default hunter stables interface which is opened by talking to a <Stable Master> NPC in-game. It provides a more comprehensive view of your stables and any pets you have assigned to it, and with that, better ways to manage your active vs. your inactive pets. Along with the reworked stables interface, this addon also comes with a second main feature called "Beast Tamer's Guide". It will provide access to a gallery/lexicon for players to view all tameable beasts in the game, with additional information for anyone who wishes to read up on, or look for, new pets.

Installation and setup

Install the addon via an Addon-manager, or manually by downloading the zip-file, and extract the folders into your game folders. 

Once in-game, you can start using it right away, or if you wish, go through a few quick steps to setup the general layout of the addon, and what you want to display. You can do this from the options-panel which can be opened from the main window.

Main Features

  • Stable Manager - Replaces the stables-interface, providing a better overview of important information, with plenty of ways to manage your pets. The new interface is located as a separate tab in the Collections-interface, the same place where you can manage your Mounts, Toys, Battle Pets, Heirlooms, and Appearances.
  • [NYI] Beast Tamer's Guide - Beast model gallery/lexicon and information source for all tameable beasts in World of Warcraft. It's located in the same Collections-tab as the Stable Manager,and you can switch between these two by clicking on each tab in the upper left corner of the interface.

Additional Features

Stable Manager

  • "View only"-mode -View your stables from anywhere in the world, through the collections-tab, without the need to visit a Stable Master in a city. If you want to manage your pets in any way, you still need to visit a Stable Master to do so.
  • Scroll-window display of pets - Display all your stabled pets in a single window, with the option to assign the ones you like and/or use the most as favorites, change sorting, apply filters, to view your pets as you want to.
  • Compact layout for Active pets - Active pet slots are reduced to show only the icons.
  • Card-style layout for Active pets - Allows for more information to be shown, such as pet name, family + abilities, specialization + abilities/effects, dietary preferences, and Exotic-status.
  • 6th "Card" for Animal Companion - Next to your Active pets, which is for Beast Mastery-hunters who have chosen the talent: Animal Companion, allowing for a better display of the pet you've chosen as your second main pet, and the necessary info that comes with.
  • Enhanced "selected"-frame - Highlights any pet you click on and displays all information tied to that pet. This includes all pets you have in your stables and can be done without first needing to switch them out with pets in "Active"-slots.
  • Beast Squads - Assign multiple sets of pets as "Squads", incl the 6th slot(for the Animal Companion), allowing you to quickly swap out several pets without needing to look for each one in your stables.

[NYI] Beast Tamer's Guide

  • Model gallery: Grid-style layout - As with what the Appearances-interface does with equippable items, this feature displays miniature models for all types of tamable beasts, allowing you to get a good overview of what is out there.
  • Enhanced "selected"-frame - Click on any miniature model-frame to open a separate window displaying all information about that model. Hit Tab to switch between specific units, all sharing the same appearance, to read up on a specific beast that you might want to tame.
  • Model Gallery: Feature model-layout - Alternative layout for the gallery, making the "Model Viewer(Enhanced "selected"-frame)" a part of the base layout of the gallery.
  • Quick-filters - Allows you to switch your view between different pet families. Switch between multiple sets of Quick-filters, so you can easily look up specific beasts/models whenever you open the window. Activate several filter-types at the same time to view all such beasts simultaneously, in the main gallery.
  • Targeted search: Unit - Search for specific beasts in the game. Ex. "Darkfang Shadowstalker", to show only that model on the page.
  • Targeted search: Zone - Search for specific in-game zones to view all tameable beasts in those particular zones.
  • Deep dive - Additional information about Pet Specializations, Family Abilities, Diets, along with a full index of all Families and sub-Families, can be accessed through clickable buttons at the bottom center of the main window(gallery).
  • Enhanced tracking - Show the location of specific beasts on your map which you intend to hunt for.
  • NPC Alert - If the "Enhanced Tracking"-feature is turned on, whenever you get close to a tracked beast in the world(if they are up), you will get a notification pop-up that you can click on to target that beast.
  • Tooltips - Display of additional information in tooltips, such as whether a particular beast is tamable or not; if something's required to tame it.


Click on the "Options/cogwheel"-button located in the main window of the interface to open up a separate window in which you can customize the appearance of the addon, and it's various features. Choose what you want to display or not, and how you want to display it.

Feedback and Bug Reports

If you want to help us by providing feedback to the addon, feel free to comment below.

  • If you have a request for a new feature or change, the best place to post it is here.
  • Any bugs or glitches are best reported here.

Note: If you experience a bug, we recommend that you first disable any other addons that you might've installed and then check in-game to see if the problem persists. The addon might not work well if combined with other addons that intend to change how your stables work or similar.