- 0
[Feature Request] Button position resolution dependent
#194 opened by soimy - 4
1.14 - AttemptToSaveBindings
#190 opened by Slivo-fr - 3
1.14 - backdrop change
#188 opened by Slivo-fr - 1
'ItemRack' tried to call the protected function 'PickupInventoryItem()'
#189 opened by Jakobud - 0
[Classic TBC / BBC] Switching ammo with ItemRack stop the gear swap
#195 opened by DBFBlackbull - 0
Frame Strata
#196 opened by msromike - 0
#197 opened by SunTzuTech1 - 1
Add support for WowUp
#198 opened by jimsimon - 1
Attempt to access forbidden object in TBC
#199 opened by fireboy92k - 0
Amulet of unfettered magics replaced by other neck
#200 opened by eduardowallen - 1
WOTLK_Classic bank issue
#201 opened by Willowillins - 1
Additional Titan's Grip Changes
#206 opened by ThisIsMakena - 1
Selecting a set frame disappears with Square Minimap Buttons's fading
#119 opened by Eyji - 1
#120 opened by StellarHarbour - 3
-- stop queue here --
#124 opened by Rover-33 - 8
How to prevent auto-queuing trinkets when manually changing them?
#127 opened by Jakobud - 2
Add tooltip info for items
#129 opened by wentsa - 4
Feature request: Pause offhand auto-queue when a two-hander is equipped
#130 opened by economou - 1
Error in classic AV
#133 opened by Speaker1264 - 1
Minimap button does not recognize resized minimap
#134 opened by Noino - 2
Item not found
#136 opened by zmancarl - 2
Enabling Two Events Bugs Out
#135 opened by nfgallimore - 1
Active set switched when an item queue changed my items
#137 opened by alexriedl - 6
Bug introduced in 3.51 - LibStub() cannot be called
#140 opened by cbracht - 1
Feature Request: show which set an item is in tooltip
#142 opened by joe-hart - 1
Creating menu buttons in macros
#143 opened by drlkf - 1
Arrows/Bullets Slot not saving
#144 opened by Maas1337 - 7
Adibag attempts to use ItemRack:RegisterExternalEventListener before Itemrack has initialized
#148 opened by MatthewBerkvens - 1
Only Bank Unique Items
#151 opened by orionshock - 0
Changing sets in combat changes active set later on when using item queues
#152 opened by hvaring - 12
#153 opened by kurtronshausen - 2
lua error (at login)
#154 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
TBCC set swapping causes msg box spam
#163 opened by zackeryps - 0
[Bug][Classic ERA] Deepdive helmet can't be equipped
#169 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 13
[Bug][Classic ERA] Lua error
#170 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 3
[Bug][Classic ERA] ammo not manageable anymore
#171 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 3
[Bug]ItemRack is not seeing the new bank slot added in pre-patch
#172 opened by savinedg - 6
Cannot use item rack in any way. Left click on minimap icon does nothing. Right click brings up LUA error.
#173 opened by JennaTulwarts - 2
No tree of life form?
#175 opened by goldenpipes - 3
Doesn't take in account gems on same equipment
#177 opened by aklm1e - 1
Lua error when changing button scale
#178 opened by OleBueker - 9
Druid Flight Form not covered
#179 opened by octomobiki - 1
Lua error : ItemRackEquip.lua:278: script ran too long
#180 opened by Slivo-fr - 0
Switching druid forms directly switches to humanoid set
#181 opened by triosniolin - 3
Minimap button
#182 opened by LoopeeDK - 0
Drinking event bug
#183 opened by polski-g - 1
Option near the map
#184 opened by Deasher123 - 0
Help me write a script event
#185 opened by hasnogaems - 1
Build Set from Pawn Data
#186 opened by Gogo1951 - 1
[BCC] v3.6.8 Diamond Flask not detected as a trinket
#187 opened by Road-block