


shift+click to drag

alt+click to resize

/splits to show current instance splits

/splits {full dungeon name or shorthand} example: /splits tk, /splits ssc, /splits kara, /splits mag, /splits gruul
/splits reset to reset the current instance (or currently selected) splits


Jarspeedo is a "splits" tracker similar to the autosplit and livesplit software and is intended for speedruns.
It keeps track of a run's total time, total time in comabat, and timestamps of each trash or boss requirement's engagement and completion,
as well as your best time's for each segment, for comparison.

Raid support:

Currently only supports phase 1 and 2 of classic TBC raids, will add more support as other phases approach and WCL requirements solidify

Dungeon support:

Absolutely none, if you degenerates are speedrunning dungeons stop that shit
Can add support if people want it


Normal mode - shows all completed, in progress, and upcoming requirements with the upcoming requirements sorted by relevence
Compact mode - shows only the 3 most recently completed requirements and 5 upcoming requirements with the upcoming requirements sorted by relevence
Boss mode - only shows boss encounters

Customization support:

Custom fonts (no guarrantees on uniformity if you pick a wacky font, that's on you)
Customizable frame background
Customizable color scheme


Currently supports enUS and ruRU clients

Please let me know if you would like additional locales supported or are willing to help with localization.