



Journey, referenced as level-chronicle internally, is a World of Warcraft addon that provides a live monitor to measure leveling progress and a historical view of experience statistics.


  • LibDBIcon-1.0
  • SleepyUI
  • LuaCore
  • WowEventFramework

Unit Test Dependencies:

  • LuaUnit -- must be in luapath
  • LuaWowTesting -- embedded

The information below is provided as brief guide to Journey and its terminology. This can be viewed in-game under the AddOns tab in the Settings window.


All times are in HH:MM:SS format e.g. 12:15:33 is 12 hours, 15 minutes, and 33 seconds.


A small window to track your leveling progress. Can be minified to show only estimated time to the next level.

Average XP/Hour and Average Approx. Time to Next Level are calculated using the last few leveling sessions for the current character. Current XP/Hour and Current Approx. Time to Next Level are calculated using only activities from the current login session.

The timer at the bottom tracks your active leveling time for the current session. When green, the timer is running and you've been detected as actively leveling. When yellow, the timer is paused and waiting for leveling activity.


Left Page

Summary of leveling statistics for all recorded levels. The bottom table gives an overview of the different sources from which you've obtained experience.

Right Page

Shows summaries for each recorded level

Can be scrolled using the arrow buttons at the bottom, by clicking the bookmarks on the right, or by using the mouse wheel. Bookmarks will appear every 10 recorded levels and allow navigating directly to specific levels.


Active Leveling Time

Time you were participating in activities that grant experience. It's a best guess based on how what you're currently doing and how often experience is gained.

% Level or % Level Per

On average how much of a level you gain from doing one of these. One kill, one dungeon, one battleground, etc.

Saved from Rested XP

How much longer it would have taken to reach your current level if you had not had rested experience.

Dungeon XP

Dungeons give experience primarily through kills and LFG/scenario bonuses. However, the Blizzard API doesn't consider these sources distinct from regular over-world kills or quests. Because dungeons are a central part of many players' leveling experiences, Journey includes dungeons as a primary experience source. And because, there's overlap between over-world kills and dungeon kills, XP percents won't always add up to 100% when dungeons are involved.