JP DKP was developed to suit the dkp management needs of the guild Jesus and Pals on the Eu-Gandling server. The addon gives an overview of the dkp of the guild roster for both officers and members alike. For officers it allows modification of dkp through different events.


Dkp overview with class filters

Dkp log

Bench system


Closed Bidding system

The dkp is stored in officer notes. This means that in order for members to be able to receive the overview, they must be allowed to see officer notes. The dkp log is currently shared between all members participating in a raid and is viewable by these. The management section of the addon, available to officers, allows modification through the means of either rewarding/subtracting dkp to/from a single player or rewarding dkp to the entire raid. Rewarding dkp to the entire raid is done by choosing a dkp amount for each raid under settings and clicking the corresponding icon of the raid that is to be given dkp for. When doing so if any player has been added to the bench, as there may not have been a raid spot, they too will receive the dkp for the given raid. Decay allows for a complete guild roster dkp subtraction. The amount can be specified in settings and should be given as a percentage to be subtracted.

The bidding system is enabled under settings. Currently it functions as such: A bidding round is begun by linking an item in a raid warning. This will clear any previous bidding round. To bid as a member one must either link an item in the raid chat or whisper an amount to bid in a whisper. The bidding column that shows up after enabling the bid setting will show the amount that is bid if a member made a whisper bid or it will show "Full" if the member chose to link their item. Since we use item links to indicate that a member wants to pay full price for the item, this is how the bidding currently works. Bids in whispers are only shown to the person being whispered.

The member and officer views of the addon can be seen in images as well as the log.