JSHB 4 - Formerly JS' Hunter Bar

JSHB 4 - Formerly JS' Hunter Bar


Hi all,

I wanted let you know that for the pre-patch and Legion I have moved my efforts into a new Add-On called ClassMods which is based off JSHB, changes to modules and the way classes work with the Add-On lead to my decision to create ClassMods.

I'd like to thank _JS_ for letting me maintain JSHB over the past couple (few?) years, it has been an interesting journey putting my scripting skill to use on an Add-On.

- Kaelyth

All credit to _JS_ for creating a beloved add-on that has become so ingrained for many Hunters out there, unfortunately _JS_ has moved on from World of Warcraft and has been kind enough to allow me to continue with JSHB.

There is a new forum for support of JSHB, please visit http://jshbclassmods.proboards.com for bug reports, feature requests or just to say hi.
Follow me on Twitter @KaelythWoW for updates about JSHB

- Kaelyth @ Dath'Remar
- Original Creator _JS_ (XJS on US-Greymane)

JSHB is in need of translators and people to review translations.
If you can be of any assistance in translating to other languages, please go to the link below.
Link: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/js-hunter-focus-bar/localization/

JSHB is extremely configurable. There are so many different ways of changing the look and feel of the addon that the possibilities are almost limitless.


  • Profiles for multiple configuration for different environments (PvE, PvP, etc.).
  • Extensive in-game options for those that like intricate configuration.
  • Support for LibSharedMedia3.
  • Tons of options that are Load on Demand to keep JSHB small in memory when actually in use. Reloading UI will free options from memory.
  • Add your own custom alerts for buff, debuff or cast of a given spell. (Think mini-power auras).
  • Target Dispel module that will inform you when a mob is under a dispel-able effect.

Announcements - Configurable for various situations and chat channels.
Includes Interrupt and Dispel announcements for classes that can. Some classes have specific announcements E.G Hunter's Misdirection, Binding Shot and Rogue's Tricks of the Trade.

Indicators - Configurable to display only in combat or if missing.

  • Full per class description to come.

Crowd Control timers- Enable or disable the display of timers for your CC

  • Full per class description to come.

Resource Bar - Visually configurable with out of combat/mounted/dead overrides.

  • Bar smoothing to alleviate the "blocky" fill in of your Resource Bar if you like looks and not responsiveness.
  • Display "tick marks" indicating spell costs. You can configure up to five custom marks for specific classes.
  • Resource Bar can change colors based on configurable high and low warnings.
  • Optional auto-shot/swing bar and timer.
  • Display target's current health percentage.
  • Icons that show stacking or proc based personal buffs.

Health Bar - Visually configurable with out of combat/mounted/dead overrides.

  • Bar smoothing to alleviate the "blocky" fill in of your Health Bar if you like looks and not responsiveness.
  • Health Bar can change colors based on configurable low warnings.
  • Display pet health percentage.

Target Bar - Visually configurable with out of combat/mounted/dead overrides.

  • Bar smoothing to alleviate the "blocky" fill in of your Target Bar if you like looks and not responsiveness.
  • Target Bar can change colors based on configurable low warnings (for Kill Shot or Execute etc.)

Timer Bars - Upto 3 configurable timer bars with "Out of Combat", "Mounted" and "Dead" overrides.

  • Add your own custom timers.
  • Stationary or priority icons for spell and item cooldowns, durations and internal cooldowns.
  • You can track the cooldown of any item, as well as the duration of a debuff on your target.
  • Logarithmic moving bars for durations.

Kaelyth @ Dath'Remar - Oceanic - Alliance

Feel free to log in if you ever need to let me know about an issue or need help with something.