K Nameplate Color

K Nameplate Color


Apply Class / Chosen color to players nameplates bar/text

  • Works only outside instances (Blizzard restriction)
  • Choose between class color or specific color for your nameplates
    • Allies and Enemies apart
    • Nameplates and names apart
  • Available for all flavours (Retail / Classic / Cata)
  • Incoming: Faction icon on pvp players

Commands: /kn  or /knc  will show options

If you are looking for more options, I recommend you Kallye Raid Frames

  • Includes K Nameplate Color
  • Highlight raid frames & optional reverted health & class color bg
  • Solo Raid frames (Raid frames remains always visible)
  • Raid frames Transparency (mates out of range)
  • Group units Buffs / Debuffs size and max display limit

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