


UI Modifications & Fixes by Kairos

This addon is designed to my own personal preference and will not be extensively supported.

All features listed below can be toggled in the settings screen (/kairos to open settings screen)

  • Move buff and debuff frame closer to the center of the screen
  • Hide default Blizzard bag frame
  • Move tooltip to be above the bottom right action bar
  • Move player and target portraits closer to the middle of the screen
  • Move focus frame to more desirable position
  • Hide Blizzard Paladin Holy Power frame (under player portrait)
  • Move part of the right and left action bars down to the bottom right (requires XarMods addon to be installed, expands on the extra buttons featured in XarMods)
  • Hide Blizzard arena frames in arena (does not remove the flag carrier frames in BGs)
  • Hide Blizzard raid style party frames in arena
  • Hide Druid shapeshift (stance) bar
  • Hide Blizzard cast bar
  • Move vehicle seat indicator (mount passengers) to top right