


Addon that makes grouping easier and gives you a better overview.

This addon was made to make current scenario easier:
You are 2 or more friends who wanna play M+ together.
You group up, and you have to ask "So which dungeons, do you guys need the most, where do you gain any rating or benefit from"
Instead of having to ask for each dungeon, and each time, you can use this addon to get a quick overview and quickly decide like:
"Ok we all get a increase from doing Mist+15, so lets go for that" as an example.

Line1: First letter of Players name, and class color.
Lines 2-10: Lists your highest key completed (Highest score) for this type of week, colored by key level and red if not timed.
Line 11: Lists the entire partys keys.
Line 12: Lists total amount of runs uve completed this week.

Settings can be found under interface or through /kaz settings.


/kaz update - Manual update ( Should veery rarely be needed, but is was made just incase... )
/kaz info - Show Ilvl and M+ Rating in chat for you and the entire team ( Given they have the addon )
/kaz key - Links keys in chat for you and the entire team ( Given they have the addon )
/kaz settings - Opens settings.