
kEPGP is an assistance addon for managing Effort Point rewards using the common EPGP loot and attendance system.


/kepgp (or /kep for short) will display the slash commands.

/kep config opens the configuration where Effort Points contains a few basic settings. Most of them should default to the standard settings (of my own guild, Vox Immortalis of Hyjal-US), but one setting worth noting is Punctual Cutoff Seconds which by default gives players a 15 second window after the start of a raid to be online to receive the Punctual EP bonus. This can be changed as necessary, as the idea is to catch everyone that is online at the start of the raid more or less.

/kep raid start is the primary command and performs the following basic tasks:

If no Raid is active:

  1. A Raid record is created and sets the Raid Start Time to the current timestamp.
  2. Scans all online characters.
  3. All characters that are online on their Primary character are awarded both Online EP and Punctual EP.
  4. Appropriate values are updated in the Officer Note for the Primary character is question.

If an existing Raid is already active:

  1. A prompt will ask the user if he or she wishes to Resume the current Raid or created a New Raid.
  2. Resume does nothing and the currently active Raid remains active.
  3. New Raid deactivates the currently active Raid and then performs all the basic functions as listed above for creating a brand new Raid.

/kep raid stop will set the currently active Raid to inactive. This prevents any future events from updating the Raid and therefore EPGP values.

/kep raid revert will revert all EP changes made during the currently active Raid (essentially subtracting all assigned EP bonuses). This provides some peace of mind in case a raid start is performed accidentally.

While a Raid is active: 1. Any Guild Member that logs in during the Tardiness Cutoff Period (60 minutes from the start of the Raid) will be automatically tracked. 2. If appropriate and the Guild Member has not been online yet during the Raid, kEPGP will automatically award the correct Online EP bonus to the individual based on the percent of the Tardiness Cutoff Period he or she missed. 3. Future logins/logouts during the same Raid will not alter data for any given individual.

Pre-Raid Reset Rank

There are also configuration options in place to alter the EP standings of any number of players that match a specified "guild rank". If this option is enabled, any players found at the start of the raid that match this rank in the guild roster will have their EP wiped and reset with a randomized offset of +1 EP, to prevent ties.

This is useful for secondary Raiders or players that are not meant to be part of the standard EP system, but need a way to be distinguished from one another (Trials, Friends & Family, etc).

Typical Use

For the most part, usage should consist of two actions for an entire raid night: 1. At the start of raid time, issue the /kep raid start command. 2. At the end of the raid (or anytime after the Tardiness Cutoff Period), issue a /kep raid stop command.

Technically, using /kep raid stop isn't even necessary as the next time a raid is started, the user can simply select the New Raid option.